
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cross-Posted from The Underdark Gazette

The Underdark Gazette is Moving!

Actually, the Underdark Gazette is closing. The OSR News and everything else I post, is moving.

When I first started this blog, I didn't think that WotC might have trademarked the word Underdark. In fact, I've seen other game companies use the word, even in titles. Not long afterwards, I did discover that this was, indeed, the case, but wasn't too concerned, mainly because I never envisioned the blog lasting so long, or that it would become so successful.

So. What with the direction intellectual property law is moving in this country, as well as other sorts of overall restraints the current situation creates, I will be closing The Underdark Gazette on January 2, 2012.

Until then, posts will appear on both blogs, save for the News, which will have a pointer link from the Gazette.

The Underdark Gazette will be locked, but will escape nuking, for a while. Any posts I think, or am told are particularly useful will migrate over. The News posts, will be archived in PDF form and made available for download, as I occasionally find them useful for research purposes and others may likewise benefit.

The new blog is Dreams of Mythic Fantasy. On the bright side, moving everything over occasioned a long overdue link house-cleaning.

Everyone's blog is on the new roll, save for a few that haven't been updated in forever. If your OSR blog is missing, was never there in the first place, or is one of the abandoned blogs, but you're about to start posting again, let me know and I'll add you.

And here is where I need a favor from all of you guys. If you would update your links and blogrolls with the new Blog, Dreams of Mythic Fantasy, that would be fantastic.

If you would also follow the new blog, that would be awesome. And really brighten my day. :)

Thanks to everyone who's read, followed, linked, talked about, commented and spread the word about The Underdark Gazette. I'm aiming to make the new blog even better, in every way I can!