
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A word on blogrolls, apologies and a personal note

Bloggers rolls are screwed and lock up, if you have over 167 entries. As a result, I've been unable to update or add new blogs. In the coming days going to split the 666 Layers into two blog-rolls, until such time as Google fixes the problem.

Apologies for the lack of postings. I'm hoping to get back on track, shortly. I'll have more OSR News come Monday or Tuesday.

I signed divorce papers last week and have been rather distracted.


  1. Oh James. I'm sorry to read this. I'm sorry that I've been so behind on my blog reading, that I didn't know about the divorce papers.

    You have our email if there's anything we can do.


  2. Distracted is no doubt an understatement. Definitely no need to apologize for not posting.

  3. Hang in there, James!

  4. Wow James, I'm very sorry. And like Whisk said. You got our email.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the upheaval in your life. I know how hard this must be for you, and especially for your son. I hope things settle down for you soon.

  6. Sorry to here that, James. Hang in there.

  7. Sorry to hear this, don't worry about the blog.

  8. Having been through it myself I can honestly say that good comes out of bad James and new beginnings give you the opportunity to reassess who you are and what you want from life.

  9. +1 on David's statement. Almost every crappy thing that's happened to me has lead to something better. Good luck with things.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It does get better, I'm saying this from personal experience! Hang in there!

  12. Sorry to hear that, James. Stay strong, we'll still be here when you get a chance to post again.

  13. Sorry to hear that you've joined the ranks of those of us who are no longer married. Be kind to yourself. We'll wait up for you.

  14. You need anything, let me know. In a serious, real, I mean what I say, drive out of town and let me buy you a beer kind of way.

  15. Sorry to hear that James. Hang in there man!

  16. Sorry to hear things have been rough. We will all be here when you can return to your regular posting habits, you can rest assured. I think you've secured quite a vital, solid place in all of our estimations, so no worries!

  17. James, I feel you, man -- I usually don't reveal much personal stuff to the blogosphere, but it so happens that I am finalizing a divorce currently as well. It is for the best but has contributed to recent slowdowns at my own blog, as well as some decreased work performance. It is draining! Hang in there!

  18. Sorry James, do what needs to happen.


  19. James - even though we spend a disproportionate amount of time on our hobby, it really is the little stuff of life. Don't even worry about a blog right now while you're dealing with the big stuff, we'll manage!

  20. You ever wanna do a shot o' whiskey or roll some dice (even if it's over G+) you let me know boyo!

  21. Yup - do what you need to do, don't sweat the blog

  22. Ugh...not a good experience for anyone regardless of the situation. I did nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award but handle your business instead of participating in some blog silliness. Best of luck!

  23. You've got our support and best wishes man, be at peace.
