
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Black Blade/Usherwood Pub. OSRIC Imprint

ADDENDUM: The Black Blade website has an error and is quoting an inaccurate, overly high amount for shipping charges! Email Jon, address below, for a correct shipping quote. Priority mail to my address was $11.00, which may vary a bit, depending upon your location.

I'm reposting my pics of the Black Blade/Usherwood Publishing OSRIC imprint.

grodog had asked me if I could migrate the original post over, so he would have a ready reference to point folks towards, when they asked for some comparison pics. Unfortunately, I only recently found his request, which was made several months ago! Sorry! I hope this will still be of use.

A word, or two. The Black Blade/Usherwood version costs $26.00, which is a whole whopping .80 cents more than the Lulu version! The BB/U is thicker, wider, taller, has a sturdier binding and to quote Mr. Jon Hershberger:
-we've added additional art selections from John Bingham, Steve Robertson, Mark Allen, Peter FItzpatrick, Peter Mullen, Brian Thomas and Jim Holloway;
- Jason Zavoda's expanded index is four pages long, and there's now a two page index of tables and charts following the index; and
- we've upped the grade of paper for the book to 70# (not a sexy change to OSRIC, but it does add to the quality and the 'heft' of the book); the hardback OSRIC is going to weigh in at just over 3 pounds when it's done.
All of which is to say, as someone who owns both versions, I'd definitely buy the Black Blade/Usherwood edition!

What's more, it was packaged to withstand a nuclear explosion!

You'll need to email Jon if you want to purchase, as their checkout on the website isn't working. Shipping is via Priority Mail and Black Blade charges the actual shipping costs, so there ya go! :)

The pic compares the BB/UP version, on top, with the Lulu version, on the bottom.

Here's a side by side pic.

And a couple of pics showing one of the new pics, and then the snazzy red endpapers!

If you asked me what my favorite post TSR, RPG books is, I'd be hard pressed to come up with any one product. But, the Black Blade/Usherwood OSRIC imprint would be on my shortlist! It's all kinds of awesome and handsome as hell!


  1. The Black Blade printing of OSRIC is a wonder. I don't even play AD&D, but I am very happy to own it.

  2. By Crom! Correct the shipping cost on the webpage! You would get more orders because that amount of shipping scares people away!
