
Sunday, July 8, 2012

WotC's AD&D Reprints Now Available for Pre-Order on Amazon

Amazon is now accepting pre-orders for the 1e re-prints. Estimated Delivery date is Aug. 6-10. Eligible for Free Shipping.


  1. Just a heads up, I'm searching Amazon for them and they are nowhere to be found.

  2. Search for 1st Edition Premium Player's Handbook. They're there.

  3. "Publisher: Esdevium Games Ltd (July 31, 2012)"

    That's strange.

  4. Yes, that's strange. Esdevium is a distributor in Europe.

    Also interesting is that the author is listed as "Wizards of the Coast," not "Gary Gygax."

  5. perdustin, not really strange as it is an obvious play to extend the copyright of the material.

    1. Interesting... Would a repackaging and reprinting allow the copyright to be extended then? I don't know anything about copyright, but my naive imagination would have been that it'd simply extend from the date a work was first published.

    2. No, it woud not, unless there was new content (for example, the new covers). And that does not cover the material in the older books. That is also why many classics come with interpretive essays or are done as new translations, as that makes the overall product "in copyright" though it does not affect any older published material. Anyways, the copyright expiration for these books is so far off in the US (70+ years after first publication, IIRC) that it's not really an issue.

  6. If you are having trouble finding them I ended up going to the WotC site and getting the ISBN number and searching for them using that.
