Last night I was reading Carcosa by the light of psychedelic candles, smoking some incredibly good shit, had Hawkwind playing in the background and the light from a muted Adventure Time episode dancing at the edge of my vision...
And then...
Then I started sipping some mushroom tea and reading Erol Otus' Booty & the Beasts, when I fell into a deep trance-like reverie and was visited by the spirits of Jack Vance, Clark Ashton Smith, and Dave Hargrave, who began speaking of ancient DMing secrets, all at once, as we flew over Barsoom, but I was able to keep each voice and train of thought distinct...
And then...
Then I came back to myself and rushed to the keyboard, intending to write down as much of their occult wisdom as I could possibly remember...
And then...
Then I felt an immense, but not unpleasant pressure building within my mind and like, all three of those masters suddenly spoke as one...
And then...
Then I found myself typing the following words:
Go read Planet Algol!
"Currently there's several Planet Algols in existence. There's the AD&D Planet Algol campaign that I DM every second sunday or so in Vancouver. There's the generic oldschool D&D Planet Algol booklet I'm working on that's based on and written for my AD&D campaign. There's also Sean Will's Planet Algol campaign in the UK that was originally Swords & Wizardry/Savage Swords of Athanor but is now a Barbarians of Lemuria game, and is also more gonzo than my own campaign. And than there's my own gonzo ideas which surface on this blog, such as Kurt Russel related magic items and Blue Oyster Cult based campaign elements."
Blair on the Planet Algol blog, March 13, 2010.
Blair has yet to publish the Planet Algol book, but there's more than enough resources at his blog to run, or just read and enjoy the setting. I do hope he begins blogging again, one day.
If you've never visited Planet Algol, you're in for one wild fucking ride!
Blog Start.