The Peridot - Spring 2016 Issue #1 by David McGrogan. Noisms Games. Available in print for $7.70 and in PDF for $4.35. 82 pages.
Issue #1 of The Peridot, an RPG 'zine from the creater of Yoon-Suin.
Contents of Issue #1 (80 pages total) include:
- A complete new Ancient Mesopotamian starter campaign setting with 30+ keyed hexes, new monsters and NPCs.
- Battle bulrush demons and scorpion-men, explore a thronged wilderness, forge your destiny in a world still young....
- A grab-bag of interesting new monsters, NPCs, and magic items, including Heron Men, the Old Comrades, and the Weeping Woodwose
- A collection of scenarios to "plug in and play" to your campaign, including the Bone Miller, the Ichthyosaur's Pool, and Pan Chun Mei and Her Wraith Ravens
- New art and fiction
- Purple prose
Nod #29 by John Stater. Available in PDF for $4.99. (Print, presumably, forthcoming.) 74 pages.
The second issue of NOD in 2016 features the second half of the Trollheim hex crawl, and then delves into modern and sci-fi supplements for Grit & Vigor, including Tony Tucker's Luchador class, the final part of Luke DeGraw's d20 Mecha rules, the fabulous Lovecraftian Hyperspace setting by Aaron Siddall and a quick and easy rpg that pits Luchadores vs. the Aztec Mummy.The Black Hack by David Black. Gold Piece Publications. Now available in Print for £4.00 (the bundle pictured below is available for £7.50!) Available in PDF for $2.00. 20 pages.
The Black Hack is a super-streamlined roleplaying game that uses the Original 1970s Fantasy Roleplaying Game as a base, and could well be the most straightforward modern OSR compatible clone available. If speed of play and character creation, compatibility, and simple - yet elegant rules are what you yearn for. Look no further!
The Black Hack is a fast playing game and the rules can be picked up in minutes. The full rules fit in a single 20 page A5 book!

The Excellent Travelling Volume is a 32-page, digest-sized print-only fanzine dedicated to Empire of the Petal Throne, the first roleplaying game set on M.A.R. Barker's world of Tékumel and is produced under license from theTékumel Foundation.I forgot to include this last week and James is almost sold out of this issue!
PC6 - The OSR Android by Jeremy Reaban. Available in PDF for PWYW. 8 pages.
The OSR Android is a character class designed to allow the playing of a player character android, a human like robot. Although not generally found in the usual fantasy world, androids do have a way of popping up thanks to crashe spaceships and long lost civilizations.
How about a freebie you may have missed...
Although primarily intended for first advanced edition, it also contains tables for other popular versions: original edition, basic and expert edition, and the cyclopedia edition.

Aha! Here's the author's site - ANT-LERRR.
Expect to die and roll characters quickly. Expect to scrimp pennies and murder for shillings. Expect magic to ruin your day. Expect to die in a tomb.
Now features a bunch of stuff. Not necessarily the final version, still some tweaking needed I suspect.Some wonderfully, grotty stuff!

Another cool freebie...
Meat Grinder Too by Eldrad Wolfsbane. Available in PDF for Free. 12 pages.
Bad art, bad editing, bad guys that need to DIE! It's also FREE!
More Dungeons at the One Page Dungeon contest site!
The Gongfarmer's Almanac Vol. 1-6 by the DCC RPG G+ Community. Available in PDF for Free. Link to files on Google Drive, here. 348 pages.
And in Other News...
Holy Shit! Dyson Logos got profiled on boingboing!
Zak Sabbath continues to write amazing articles.
Jeff Rients Posted!
Arnold Kemp continues posting awesome shit at Goblin Punch.
Unless otherwise noted, all links to products and files are to the individual authors sites, pertinent posts, or sales pages. I don’t link directly to files, unless that is the only link available.
I have received no remuneration from any publisher, for reporting on their releases, nor is such a requirement for a product to be included in these posts. At times, an author or publisher may send me a complimentary copy of an item, for purposes of review. This is not a requirement for a product's inclusion in these posts.
As always, the What I’m Pimping This Week section of the OSR News and its accompanying blog widget, feature products which I have purchased (or items which are available for free download) and wish to support. At times, the item I'm pimping may be one which I received a complimentary review copy of, from the author or publisher. No one has asked me to spotlight their material in this section and I have received no payment of any kind for doing so.
Please feel free to send me information on any new releases, events, or other items of interest, which you would like to see mentioned.