New Releases
Discover the hidden wilderness game in Dungeons and Dragons!
It will bring the actual experience of discovery to your players faces. They will be excited to explore a strange fantasy world!
I'm announcing an 16 page tool to assist you with wilderness exploration, making it a breeze. It provides plenty of space for personalization, no matter what campaign you are running, from original dungeons and dragons all the way to fifth edition.
This contains a drawn 6-mile hex with a raven tower in a mysterous forest, a bottomless pit, a haunted abandoned military outpost, a garden tended by spiders, a tomb for a powerful evil book, and the lair of an arrogant druid and his strange retinue. The document contains maps and encounters with space for your settings name and statistics. Four landmarks, three lairs, and four adventure sites, all for just a few dollars! This helps you make your game exciting in a new way!

Books in fantasy games have always been sources of mystery. We're all familiar with the sight of the magic user's eyes lighting up like a 5-year-old at Christmas when one is found. This work provides 100 more tomes for your gaming pleasure, ranging from the magical to the mundane, from the common to the unique. Never again will you be at a loss to describe that recently found libram.
Tome of Tomes Volume Seven is a compilation of books that could be found on a sage's shelf or on the shelves of a city library. Each tome is described and classified according to field of study and special knowledge category (if applicable).CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dragons by Kent David Kelly. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $2.99. 115 pages.
The great draconian powers of the World of Oldskull arise, ready to fill your players’ hearts with dread, excitement, and trepidation …
Are their bold PC heroes ready for the challenge?
Have you been wanting to include some classic old school dragons in your campaign? This book will save you hours of development time! Many thousands of dice rolls have been made for you, with the results carefully collected into stat and treasure templates for easy reference and use. Herein you will find 100 pre-generated dragons complete with unique names, combat statistics, spells (as appropriate), and pre-rolled treasure hoards. All 100 of these glorious beasties have been sorted according to their relative challenge level, from Crysthax the Pale (a very young white dragon, suitable for level 1 or 2 encounters) all the way up to Arcanthia the Invincible (an ancient gold dragon, who can easily provide a challenge to PCs of level 15 and up).
All stats are clearly provided in Basic/Expert/Advanced format for easy conversion to other systems. Here is a sample entry:
Quaelon of the Emerald Realm
Description: An Average-Sized and Sub-Adult Male Bronze Dragon (Age Category 3, age 22 years). 25% chance to be sleeping when first encountered. Cannot speak. Not capable of casting spells.
Combat Prowess: Armor Class 0 (natural armor plating, arcane protection, and DEX 13), Move 90’ (30’) ground / 240’ (80’) flying, Hit Dice 9**, Hit Points 27, Attacks 2 claws / 1 bite or breath weapon (lightning or repulsion gas), Damage 1D3 / 1D3 / 2D6 or breath weapon.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Special Abilities detect invisibility, infravision; Special Attacks attack as 9 Hit Dice monster, breath weapon; Special Defenses resistant to gas and lightning attacks, save as monster of full HD; Special Vulnerabilities can be subdued, sleeping 25% of the time, subject to flattery.
Further Considerations: Save As F9, Intelligence exceptional (INT 15), Morale Level 9, Alignment Lawful Good, Size L (18’ long).
Suggested Lair Terrain: River Cave. Unknown ancestry.
Recommended PC Party Level for Encounter: 5+.
Draconian Trove: 21,502 Silver Pieces, 20,438 Gold Pieces, 5 Gems (suggested GPV 10, 50, 50, 50, 100), Broom of Flying, Hammer +1, Potion of Healing, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Polymorph Self, Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes.
Another fine supplement from Wonderland Imprints, Only the Finest Works of Fantasy.Call of Cthulhu Starter Set. Published by Chaosium. Available in Print/PDF combo from the Publisher for $24.99. Available in PDF from the Publisher for $9.99 and also available in PDF from DriveThruRPG for $9.99. 154 pages.
All you need to enjoy Horror Roleplaying!

A World of Mystery, Horror and Adventure in a Box!
This Starter Box contains everything you need to start playing Call of Cthulhu—the tabletop roleplaying game of mystery and horror.
Players take on the role of investigators of mysteries, uncovering dark secrets, encountering strange monsters, and thwarting sinister cults. Together, you and your friends create and develop a story in which each of your characters plays a leading role, which could be foiling some dastardly plot or stopping horrors from beyond space and time!
Roleplaying gaming is a social pastime. Everyone works together in a team, each playing an investigator character. One player runs the game—the Keeper of Arcane Lore—who referees the game and presents the story and adventure plots to the other players.
Think of it a bit like acting in a drama, but where there isn’t a script. Dice and the rules of the game determine the success or failure for your character’s actions—all while you are propelled into dramatic and nerve-tingling situations! The emphasis is on having fun.

Inside This Box
- Book 1: Introduction and Alone Against The Flames—a solo introductory adventure, teaching you the basics of Call of Cthulhu as you play through a mystery.
- Book 2: Call of Cthulhu Starter Rules—the essential rules, everything needed for starting play.
- Book 3: Adventures—three starter adventures for your players to explore.
- Ready to Play Investigators—five ready to play game characters.
- Blank Investigator Sheets—ready for creating your own investigators.
- Roleplaying Dice – a set of six polyhedral dice for use in the game.
- Player Handouts – a set of ready to use props.
This box comes packed with four classic adventures for over twenty hours of game play.
The Excellent Travelling Volume Issue No. 9 by James Maliszewski. Available from the author in Print for $9.95 (North America - see site for International shipping.)
The Excellent Travelling Volume is a 28-32-page, digest-sized print-onlyfanzine dedicated to Empire of the Petal Throne, the first roleplaying game set on M.A.R. Barker’s world of Tékumel and is produced under license from the Tékumel Foundation.
Issue #9 is now available for purchase. Please take note of the different costs for copies sent to North America and the Rest of the World.Heroes & Monsters by Mikael Hassel. Available from Lulu in Print for $9.95. 92 pages.
Heroes & Monsters™ is a rules light fantasy roleplaying game powered by The Black Hack and is meant for playing Old School style but with more modern rules.
Unlike its parent game Heroes & Monsters™ aims to be more complete and user friendly with expanded information for running the game and more detailed instruction for the players on how to crate characters. It also pays homage to the basic edition from the early eighties of the world's oldest roleplaying game.
So grab your sword and shield and start your adventures in the world of Heroes & Monsters™!Double Jeopardy by Paul Ward. Published by Matakishi's Tea House. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $5.00. 40 pages.
Double Jeopardy is an adventure written for The Cthulhu Hack but easily convertible to any other Mythos themed game.
Double Jeopardy is suitable for beginning investigators and new players although seasoned investigators will find much to interest them.
The setting is 1980s Britain but, again, this can easily be changed.
An outbreak of strange disappearances and mysterious doppelgangers lead the investigators to an undreamed of alien menace beneath the streets of London.
Double Jeopardy is a full colour, fully illustrated adventure with portraits of all the NPCs, player and gamemaster maps, player handouts and tables and charts of major plot points and people so the gamemaster can run things with the minimum of effort.
A printer friendly version is included.
The adventure also contains a link to a fully illustrated playthrough to give the prospective gamemaster an idea of the flow of actual play.SCAII.4 Cavalier Attitude by Louis "sirlou" Kahn. Published by Starry Knight Press. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $1.50. 14 pages.

Hello and welcome, adventurers and Game Masters!
Welcome to the sixth issue of my Old School zine: Cavalier Attitude. As the masthead says, this zine will focus on the Old School Revival (OSR) in fantasy role-playing. The Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation™ (OSRIC) is my personal retro-clone of choice, but I will cover other games systems as well, as interest and time permit. The zine is publishing quarterly. The first issue was published in September 2017.
The sixth issue’s contents include the following highlights:
- Out of Alignment: an article on player character alignment changes and how to handle them.
- Bard’s Corner: a new feature being introduced in this issue, which will showcase fantasy fiction with an RPG theme, by myself and others. The first story is “Death Comes to Blackrock."
- Magickal Menagerie: a new feature being introduced in this issue, which provides new and unique magic items for your players, straight from the pages of my published adventures!
- Pre-generated player character: a special pre-generated player character ready to take on whatever your GM’s campaign can dish out.
- An Exclusive OSR adventure, "The Icy Hollow": a winter-themed adventure which takes place in an abandoned dwarven keep lying in a frigid mountain clearing, known as the Icy Hollow. This mid-level adventure features a new holiday themed monster, the SNOW DEMI-ELEMENTAL (a very bad snowman). It is compatible with most FRPGs and is intended for 4-6 player characters of levels 4-6.
- Old School art: a showcase of art, by myself and others, which are features in my published books;
- Market Square: synopses and information on my recently published books; and
- The Inn: a roundup of role-playing social media posts.
The inaugural issue of the zine is still FREE to anyone who purchases one of my modules, supplements or one-shots. It is also available for regular purchase here on this site.
This zine is sure to please discerning GMs and players everywhere! Thanks for checking it out!Black Dogs 'zine - issue 7 by Davide Pignedoli. Published by DaimonGames. Available from DriveThruRPG in Print/PDF for $7.00. Available in PDF for $3.00. 54 pages.
Black Dogs
a LotFP unofficial 'zine
issue #7
Black Dogs is a dark fantasy collection of house-rules,
materials, adventures and monsters, a toolbox to
generate new content for OSR systems, particularly
focused on Lamentations of the Flame Princess.
Issue VII contains: creatures that are not elves
some words about dwarfs
quick-start adventuring gear
an adventure in Balthergar
and some swamp monsters
Black Dogs is a dark fantasy collection of house-rules, materials, adventures, monsters, and together a toolbox to generate new content for OSR systems, particularly focused on Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Black Dogs shares a common set of rules and aesthetics with Lamentations, but it has its distinct flavor. Whenever a rule is not found (or not presented yet) in the Black Dogs 'zine, just use the default from Lamentations or whatever OSR system you're running.
If you want to get a taste of it, issue #1 is available for download as Pay What You Want...

An adventure into a Giant Ant colony with 3 different procedural methods to make/navigate the labyrinth like maze.A Cast of Thousands: Fantasy Castle Encounters by Peter Rudin-Burgess. Published by PPM. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $0.99. 32 pages.
The procedural methods have been applied to the exploration of a maze-like giant insect colony. That said, these methods could easily be retrofitted to any maze-like setup, e.g. patchwork of islets in the Bonesuck Swamp, glades in an impenetrable wood, goblins caves, an overland trade route, an archipelago of mysterious islands in a pirate romp, or rooms in an abandoned space station.
A Cast of Thousands
Fantasy Castle Encounters
Adventures and modules often detail the main locations that the characters are supposed to visit. Take your typical castle. Yes, you would expect guards to be on the walls and in the guard rooms and the barracks but what about on their way from the barracks to the guard room? Or how about simply chatting up a maid around the corner from where they are supposed to be?
This book contains 30 ‘wandering monster tables’ for want of a better phrase but rather than monsters they contain perfectly normal people doing perfectly normal things. So, the next time your characters decide to go wandering around a castle at night the corridors need not be empty, there are plenty of maids carrying clean laundry and guards simply having a rest from their normal duties or helping a lost child.

Hobb Sized Adventures are solitaire adventures written in 20 paragraphs or less(with one exception). They have been coined “Hobb sized” because of their diminutive stature, being sometimes comical, and at times just nasty. The quests herein are meant for low level adventurers of the warrior, roguish, and other fighting types, but not for weaklings or the faint of heart.
This collection contains 14 solo adventures were originally written for the blog Hobb Sized Adventures for use with the Tunnels & Trolls role playing game by Ken St. Andre and very popular with the T&T community, Trollhalla.MHI - 0 Hanson's Gap by Frank Schmidt. Published by Adventures in Filbar. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $1.00. 11 pages.
Also included is an extra section about The Fantasia Tavern, THE place to go in the town of Dimble.
Set for initial level PCs, this short scenario utilizes a shortcut through a mountain range. The players are in a hurry to get to town for an adventuring opportunity and all they need to do is get through a crevice. Unfortunately for the new delvers, the gap is home to a trio of bandit brothers and other obstacles!
This offering was used as Episode 0 for the Murder Hobo Inc. podcast show on Twitch. The series features a rotating cast for a two hour game every week. They also offer a "talk show" format every Tuesday. We urge you to check us out: and don't forget to follow!

Bringing furred or feathered friends along on an adventure is a common fantasy trope. Animal Companions is an OSR-friendly advancement system for mundane creatures that gives beasts of burden and pets a little extra survivability and utility. It includes rules for acquiring companions, training them, and maintaining their loyalty plus advancement and quirk tables for nine categories of mundane beasts.
For players who want even more from their bestial allies, Animal Companions also includes the Beastmaster character class. Beastmasters have a natural affinity for wild animals and can earn the trust of powerful bestial allies. At higher levels, they can even partner with magical beasts.TFT Adventure: The Curse of Katiki-Mu by Robert Saint John. Published by Steve Jackson Games. Available from Warehouse 23 in PDF for $5.00. 13 pages.
To end a terrible curse, your adventurers must travel to a lost land and return a stolen statuette. But the tribe of Katiki-Mu has no love for outsiders, and this mission may bring the party to doom at the hands of the mighty Moatiki. With only one way into and out of danger, can these heroes hope to break The Curse of Katiki-Mu? This gamemastered adventure by Robert Saint John for The Fantasy Trip includes an adventure that can serve as the kick-off for much future exploration of the strange lost continent of Mu – plus a labyrinth map, new counters, and new cut-and-paste labyrinth tiles to expand the set included in The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition.
Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 4 (Nov 2018) by Justin David Russell. Published by Epic Werkes Studio. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $10.00 (a low-res version is available for PWYW.) 70 pages.
Want help finding inspiration for your next adventure? Are you a busy GM looking for a quick map? Do you want unique locations to spice up your random encounter tables? Then you’ve come to the right place! Random Encounters provides creative solutions for gamers. It specifically caters to the Old School Renaissance, but the maps, hooks, and descriptions found in this book can be used for any fantasy role playing system.
Please enjoy this offering. Have fun and, as always, GAME ON!
New Editions, Re-releases & Now in Print, or PDF

Basic and Advanced
Finally the basic and advanced game rules are in one volume!
This book combines the material originally presented in the Labyrinth Lord core rules and in the Advanced Edition Companion. Play advanced and basic characters in the same group, or choose to play one or the other.
Enter a world filled with labyrinths, magic, and monsters! Choose a basic race-class, advanced class, or even multiclass to combine the two! All of the basic and advanced options are within reach.
Labyrinth Lord is the Rosetta Stone of old-school fantasy rules.
It is easy to use basic and advanced game adventures from other publishers with these rules.
In this book you will find...
- A complete guide to basic and advanced characters
- All core basic and advanced monsters
- Basic and advanced spells
- The full repertoire of basic and advanced magic items
- Optional rules to make your game even more advanced
Welcome back to old-school gameplay.
**Note that the PDF includes both the Dragon cover and Orcus Cover images.

A 48-page fanzine featuring adventures and GM-friendly campaign materials for Advanced old-school RPG rules, with artwork by Stefan Poag, Denis McCarthy, and more. This issue contains...
The Polyhedron Volume 3 #1 Issue 10 by Wizards of the Coast. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $0.99. 32 pages.This electronic edition is provided free of charge to people who have purchased the print issue.
- The Great Wheel: A mighty 50’ wheel rolls through the wastelands of Fomalhaut, destroying all in its path, and followed by a ragged host of raiders, fanatics, desperate camp followers and wily opportunists. What purpose drives this great device, and who are its followers?
- Terror on Tridentfish Island: A sword&sorcery; module set on a formerly wealthy resort island, dotted with ruined pleasure palaces, enigmatic caverns, and the relics of a bygone age. 17 keyed locations plus two mini-dungeons.
- Monsters of Wizardry: a collection of monsters adapted from the excellent CRPG, Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant.
- Erillion, East: an article describing the eastern half of the Isle of Erillion, from the city of Baklin to the island kingdoms of the Northmen, and from gloomy highlands to enchanted forests.
- Also... a detailed GM’s map of the Isle of Erillion!
Included in this issue:
The Polyhedron Volume 3 #2 Issue 11. Published by Wizards of the Coast. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $0.99. 32 pages.
- Developing a GAMMA WORLD® game campaign - Tips for the beginning GM, by Mike Price
- Mapping from Square One - Tried and true mapping techniques, by Frank Mentzer
- Encounters - Will Merculies be able to save Desaibnu? by James M. Ward
- Under Construction - Don't let Ned's fate be yours in POLYHEDRONTM Newszine's newest regular feature, by Mary Kirchoff
- Getting Started in GANGBUSTERSTM Game - Rules of Thumb for Referees, by Mark Acres
- Tournament Scoring System
- Flights of Fancy - A DAWN PATROLTM Game Scenario, by Mike Carr
- Modules - Want to know how much it costs, how many can play, or whether it's Dungeon, Wilderness or Town? Here 's the place to find out!
- Tournament Tips Too - Another approach to organizing a tournament, by Clyde Scott

Included in this issue:
- The Knight-Error - A cartoon, by Ron Shirtz
- The Allegory of the Party - Meet Problem players, Kaye Autic, Loyal Justin, Avid Dyer, Prudence Canny, Max Odius and Musby Myin, by Mary Kirchoff
- Getting Started : A DAWN PATROL™ Game Feature - by Mike Carr
- Dispel Confusion - by Frank Mentzer, Allen Hammack, Mike Carr, James Ward, Mark and Jaime Acres, Merle Rasmussen, and Dave Cook
- Notes for the Dungeon Master - Deities #2, by Frank Mentzer
- Mapping from Square One - Mapping made easy, by Frank Mentzer
- Under Construction - Discover the remains of a crashed escape shuttle, by James M. Ward
- Spelling Bee - Druid Spells, by Frank Mentzer
- MATTEL ELECTRONICS ® DUNGEONS & DRAGONS"' Computer Labyrinth and MATTEL ELECTRONICS ® DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Computer Fantasy Pocket Games - Reviews

There is much to worry about in the mutated world of the future, but Baron Jemmas, Warder of Horn, has more on his mind that most. In recent weeks several of the outlying towns of his Barony have been wiped out by a band of mysterious golden marauders.
These creatures struck from nowhere and vanished without a trace when their deeds were done. The Warder has decided that they must be stopped before the entire Barony of Horn falls beneath their onslaught, and so he is offering a great reward to anyone who can defeat the Legion of Gold.
Designed for use by 2-8 players of low to mid-levels.GW2: Famine in Far-Go. Published by Wizards of the Coast. Available from DriveThruRPG in Print/PDF for $11.99, in Print for $9.99 and in PDF for $4.99. 38 pages.
Far-Go is dying... the people are afraid... the animals are wasting away... the crops are withering the fields. No one, even Arx Skystone, the high priest, knows what has caused Far-Go's misfortune.
YOU are part of a group of young adventurers about to begin the sacred Rite of Adulthood. The last hope of survival for Far-Go rests with your party. On your journey to the Forest of Knowledge, you must search for clues to the origin of the mysterious plague. This quest may led you into great danger... and great knowledge. As you travel through the savage wilderness, all you have are your companions, your wits, your strength... and your dreams!!
This module contains referee notes, background information, maps, new creatures, mutations, robotic units and new rules for Pure Strain Humans for use with GAMMA WORLD Science Fantasy Game.SoloQuest Classic Collection. Published by Chaosium. Available from DriveThruRPG in PDF for $9.99. 138 pages.
This module is designed as an introductory adventure series for 2-1 0 players, but a group of 5-7 players is best.
Three SoloQuest Adventures for RuneQuest 2!
DreamQuest - Once upon a dream, your god appears to you. You are offered the opportunity to serve your god by defeating four foes in mortal combat. Step-by-step solo-melee combat rules for the detailed RuneQuestcombat sequences are provided.
Phoney Stones - Somebody has been selling counterfeit Issaries statues. Everyone is upset: the buyers because they thought they were becoming members of Issaries with the purchase; the Issaries temple because it undermines the sales of their own statues. Big reward is offered for the capture of the counterfeiter.
Maguffin Hunt - The dwarves have stolen the valuble maguffin. You are offered a big reward for its recovery and apprehension of the thieves. The dwarves have hidden their prize in their intricate labyrinthine tunnels in the dwarven mountains. Who will dare?
Scorpion Hall
Somewhere in the forest, a band of scorpion men have their hideaway. Their raids have depopulated the local lands, but the Empire will do nothing. You must locate their lair, then penetrate it to learn their secrets and destroy their center of power. It will be a near-impossible task. You might fail - and die. But if you die, you that your friends will follow you into the ever-changing world of Scorpion Hall and avenge you. Can you meet this challenge?
Snow King's Bride
On to Valhalavahalla!
Brunhild is the comely and boisterous intended bride of Snorkil Herringbane, lord of Valhalavahalla. Your mission is to escort her through treacherous mountains, monsters and marvels, and deliver her safe and sound to the Snow King.
You will have to match wits with the greedy griffin of Griffin Gorge, evade the nasty, ice-sharp tail whips of the Cold Cuts, and foil a ferocious Frost Demon. Then again, your biggest headache may be Brunhild herself, for though she has heard that Snorkil is filthy rich, her girlfriends warn that he is also old, decrepit and foolish. Are you man enough to resist her hearty advances?
An initiate of any non-chaotic cult may apply for the job. Brunild's father favors no particular race or sex, but he intensely dislikes lawyers. They need not apply.
So, gather your things and wrap your bearskin tightly about your shoulders. It will be a long, dangerous, and cold trek but the rewards for success will make the trip worthwhile.
Note: This is a fully-remastered PDF true to the original printing.RR3 Van Richten's Guide to Vampires (2e) Published by Wizards of the Coast. Available from DriveThruRPG in Print/PDF for $21.99 in Print for $19.99 and in PDF for $4.99. 96 pages.
At last, some means of combating the ultimate undead—vampires—have found their wayinto print. Within these pages, Dr. Rudolph Van Richten shares his vast background as one of Ravenloft's most formidable lore masters and vampire hunters. Decades of research and experience have been compiled into discussions that define the very nature of these kings of the undead and help put them at a disadvantage to mortals, whom they consider to be "mere cattle."
Dr. Van Richten has detailed vampiric powers, weaknesses, feeding and sleeping habits, and even their varied relationships with others of their own kind. Old myths are dispelled, new facts are uncovered, and the experiences of both vampires and those who hunt them are recorded for your safety and enlightenment.
Quickly! Soon the sun sets and the dead will rise! The vampires of Ravenloft know no mercy, and you must be prepared—before the darkness engulfs you.
For all character levels.
Misc. Free Stuff!
V. A. of Leicester's Ramble posted Trespassing in Dyson's World - Wyvernseeker Rock. Four PDF scenarios based on an original map by Dyson Logos.
Konsumterra of Elfmaids & Octopi posted his EMO PC Sheet. Also, Arms Skill List Part 1. And Morale for EMO.
Jürgen Mayer of Dead Cyclops posted Crypt of the Honored Dead. 2 page PDF. Map by Dyson Logos. Art by Evlyn Moreau.
Patrick Stuart of False Machine wrote something for us: What Were the Isles of the Imprisoned Moon?
Michael Shorten of Chicagowiz's Games continues his Three Hexes series with Lands Beyond Time and Negative Mirror.
Evlyn Moreau shared some of her amazing Doodles Maps.
Konsumterra of Elfmaids & Octopi posted his EMO PC Sheet. Also, Arms Skill List Part 1. And Morale for EMO.
Jürgen Mayer of Dead Cyclops posted Crypt of the Honored Dead. 2 page PDF. Map by Dyson Logos. Art by Evlyn Moreau.
Patrick Stuart of False Machine wrote something for us: What Were the Isles of the Imprisoned Moon?
Michael Shorten of Chicagowiz's Games continues his Three Hexes series with Lands Beyond Time and Negative Mirror.
Evlyn Moreau shared some of her amazing Doodles Maps.
Saker Tarsos of Tarsos Theorem posted The Cathedral of Flesh and Bone.
Here's a Pinterest page with a buncha One Page Dungeons.

Nate Treme shared In the Light of a Ghost Star. 9 page PDF. (Direct Link.)
James V. West of Doomslakers! has a DCC Character Sheet.
Lee Barber shared a collection of his OSR Files. (Link to Drive page.)
Not new, but it's making the rounds again and new to me. The Great Flaeness River Campaign. Link to files on Dropbox.
Cubicle 7 Entertainment has a free WFRP 4 Character Sheet for you.
Jeremy of OSR News and Reviews has some thoughts about DNH5 Carcosa.
Tony Rowe shared this PDF of the good Dr. Holmes reviewing CoC. (Direct Link.)
The Dungeon Musings YouTube channel has a play stream of Barrowmaze.
From the Questing Beast YouTube Channel, a review of Gathox Vertical Slum.
Saker Tarsos of Tarsos Theorem posted a playtest report of Silent Titans.
Multiverse has a review of The Twisting Stair #1.
Needles of Swords & Stitchery has a play report of Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent.
Pookie UK of Reviews from R'lyeh has a review of Cthulhu Invictus. Also, The Punchline.
Bryce of reviews Life & Death.
Teylen's RPG Corner has been keeping up with Current RPG Kickstarters, apparently for quite some time. Here's their Crowdfunding Collection # 89.
For those of you who have heard the Call of Cthulhu, The Dhole's House might be of interest.
Luka Rejec posted a preview of the Red Sky Dead City project.
Episode #144 of The Good Friends of Jackson Elias delves into Cthulhu for Beginners.
D. G. Chapman of The Graverobber's Guide gives a blogging roundup in "It Came from the Blogosphere!" #1.
Bundle of Holding is doing Warhammer FRP 1E.
From Rolling Boxcars, here's a list of Podcasts of interest.

Nate Treme shared In the Light of a Ghost Star. 9 page PDF. (Direct Link.)
James V. West of Doomslakers! has a DCC Character Sheet.
Lee Barber shared a collection of his OSR Files. (Link to Drive page.)
Not new, but it's making the rounds again and new to me. The Great Flaeness River Campaign. Link to files on Dropbox.
Cubicle 7 Entertainment has a free WFRP 4 Character Sheet for you.
Reviews & Play Reports from around the Web
Tony Rowe shared this PDF of the good Dr. Holmes reviewing CoC. (Direct Link.)
The Dungeon Musings YouTube channel has a play stream of Barrowmaze.
From the Questing Beast YouTube Channel, a review of Gathox Vertical Slum.
Saker Tarsos of Tarsos Theorem posted a playtest report of Silent Titans.
Multiverse has a review of The Twisting Stair #1.
Needles of Swords & Stitchery has a play report of Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent.
Pookie UK of Reviews from R'lyeh has a review of Cthulhu Invictus. Also, The Punchline.
Bryce of reviews Life & Death.
And in Other News...
For those of you who have heard the Call of Cthulhu, The Dhole's House might be of interest.
Luka Rejec posted a preview of the Red Sky Dead City project.
Episode #144 of The Good Friends of Jackson Elias delves into Cthulhu for Beginners.
D. G. Chapman of The Graverobber's Guide gives a blogging roundup in "It Came from the Blogosphere!" #1.
Bundle of Holding is doing Warhammer FRP 1E.
From Rolling Boxcars, here's a list of Podcasts of interest.
And... A Kickstarter
You may have noticed the Patreon Link to the left, near the top of my blog. For $3.00 a month, you can help support The OSR News and help me realize additional plans for my work with the Old School RPG Community. Your patronage is very much appreciated!
About The OSR News
Unless otherwise noted, all links to products and files are to the individual authors sites, pertinent posts, or sales pages. I don’t link directly to files unless that is the only link available.
I have received no remuneration from any publisher for reporting on their releases, nor is such a requirement for a product to be included in these posts. At times, an author or publisher may send me a complimentary copy of an item, for purposes of review. This is not a requirement for a product's inclusion in these posts. One Bookshelf site links are affiliate links and may provide some compensation from that retail site.
Please feel free to send me information on any new releases, events, or other items of interest, which you would like to see mentioned.